Saturday, September 12, 2009

We Will Never Forget...

Today is the anniversary of the tragic 9/11 event in New York City. I remember sitting at my desk when we heard the news on the radio that a plane hit one of the towers. Some people started to say that it must be one of those sight seeing tour planes. My first thought on that was no, it wasn't. I knew those planes are small and were so used to navigating around the tall buildings and if one of them did hit a building, it would probably smash into the glass or something but not do the damage that a commercial plane could do. We listened more and then heard that a plane struck the other tower. I clearly remember that I had a million thoughts at one time coming into my head. I felt we were being under attack and don't ask me why but I actually thought that this was the beginning of the end of the world. I have no idea why I thought that. I do remember just wanting to run out of my building and run to the city and just start pulling people out. I was in an office in Ronkonkoma, far from the city. All day we were listening to the radio, we had no tvs there, and it was so quiet. Everone had their radios on and no work was getting done. Finally we were able to leave at 2pm that afternoon. I got home and turned on the tv and of course the coverage was on every channel. The first time I saw the video of the plane hitting the first tower, my jaw dropped, chills came over my entire body and I thought, oh my God, that's what my dream was all about!

I dreamt about this prior and had no idea what the dreams meant. So let's go back in time a bit. Labor Day weekend was coming up and me and nine other friends were heading up to our friends cabin in the Poconos. So that Wednesday night before Labor Day weekend, I had this dream. I was standing in a forest that had endless trees, that's all I could see were endless trees. In the middle were two extremely tall trees, like giant Redwoods or something, and I was standing in the middle so on either side of me I could see these very tall trees.

Then I heard this sound that making everything shake then out of nowhere, I looked between the two tall trees and I see a plane headed right at me. The nose of the plane looked like it was headed right toward me but the wings of the plane each hit each of the tall trees on either side and then the plane exploded, it just burst into flames. I threw my arms up as to shield myself from the debris and fire but nothing hit me and believe it or not, I couldn't even feel the heat from the planes. That was it. The next scene in my dream switched to me sitting in a chair with a bunch of other people sitting in chairs in a funeral home. There was a closed casket at the front of the room. So many people were in uniforms like police uniforms, fire dept uniforms, so many uniforms. I didn't get it. And in the funeral home there were endless rooms that all had people in them with the same kind of uniforms and closed caskets as well. Then I felt a hand on my right shoulder and I looked up and standing there was my friends mom, Rose, who had passed away years ago. I asked her what was going on and she had such a somber face on her and all she said was, "Don't worry everyone is fine now and they didn't suffer. They're home now." I was still confused. Who was she talking about? That was it, I woke up and I was trying to analyze this dream as I was getting ready to meet three other friends because we were going up to the cabin to get it ready for everyone. All of a sudden it hit me. Rose must have come to warn me about a plane crash involving her son. Her son was a good friend of mine and lived in California but he was an LAPD officer so that must have explained all the other uniforms in the room. That had to be it. So on our way up to the cabin, I told my friends of my dream and told them that when we get to the cabin I had to call my friend to warn him. We got to the cabin and I called immediately but I got his machine at home. So I left him a message telling him that if ever was going to take what I said seriously, now was the time and that I had a dream that his mom was in forewarning me of a plane crash and that I was in a funeral home with a bunch of people in uniform and that if he and his family were going anywhere on a plane for Labor Day weekend, to cancel their plans to save their lives. I told him to call me back so I know he got the message. I didn't get a call back but I knew he got the message. I was relieved because I sent the message and my job was done.

The following week after Labor Day weekend, I had another dream. In this dream, I was walking up to City Hall and I noticed that there was dirt that had just been laid down and turned over and was roped off. I thought they must be getting ready to plant things. Then I see everyone running out of the building and Mayor Rudy was leading them and he started to yell at me.

He was yelling, "No! No! Turn around! Run! Don't go in there!" I was confused as to why everyone was running out and then I heard a loud thud to the left of me. I turned to look and there was a lady lying there on the dirt that was roped off. I screamed,"Oh my God!" and I ran over to her. I kept asking her if she was ok and I even picked her up and held her in my arms, shaking her and saying," Wake up! Wake up!" Then Mayor Rudy was next to me and said,"It's no use, she's dead." Then I heard another thud and another, two more bodies landed next to us. I looked up and I swear it was like it was raining bodies just falling to the ground. Mayor Rudy grabbed me and pulled me out of there and said,"Come on we have to go. There is nothing we can do for them, they're all dead." Then I woke up. Now what the hell did that dream mean? I remember going to work the next day and telling my boss about my dream and she said she couldn't think what that meant either. I figured I must have watched something on tv or something that crossed things together or something. I shrugged it off and figured I'd eventually figure it out.

So that day that I saw the first plane hit the first tower and then the second plane hit the other tower, and then I realized the two tall trees represented the twin towers. The plane exploding spoke for itself because just the way it exploded on tv was how it exploded in my dream. I figured the uniformed people represented all the police, firefighters, everyone who was there helping and that it represented both those that survived and those that did not who helped that day. As the coverage continued and I saw people jumping out of the tower, that brought me back to the dream with Mayor Rudy in it and all the bodies falling from the sky. Although I think those bodies were not only the people jumping but also that people who were in those planes and the buildings that day. It all made sense. I couldn't believe it. Why did I have the dreams? I didn't know anyone who died that day in any of the planes or anything. But come to find out that there were many people who had similiar dreams around the country before it happened. Now what do you call that? Since then I vowed that if I ever had a dream that had to do with people in general like these dreams, I would look more at a global event and maybe it will help somehow. But then what would I do with the information? Who would I tell without sounding like a freak? To this day, I still don't understand why I had the dreams. I guess one day I 'll figure it out.

That was such a tragic day for everyone but especially for those of us here in New York who were so close to it. There are not many good things you can say about that day but I actually have thought of some. One thing is that people from other states who would say things about New Yorkers, like we were rude, started to see that we were not what they originally thought. They said they couldn't believe how we all united together and so quickly. Everyone who pitched in to help that day had no color, no race, nothing. And the people they were trying to save had no color, no race, nothing. It really was humans helping humans, people helping people, everyone with one goal and that was to save the lives of their fellow men. My heart was so full of love for people that day and the days that followed because I thought wow, Americans are something else. Outsiders come into our country, take our planes and use them against us and what did we do? We united and helped each other, we didn't divide. And we did it without thinking twice. Another good thing that happened was that not only did New Yorkers unite but our country as a whole united. Yes, terrorists, that's what we are, we are in fact the United States of America.

We react in seconds and the same goes for those who were aboard Flight 93. They had heard about the towers and what happened and by all the happenings that were going on in that flight, they figured out what was going on. They were all truly brave. They knew that either way, they were all going to die that day. So would they die by just sitting there and let things happen or would they take action? They took action and saved many, many lives that day. I thought about it and I came to the conclusion that I would have done the same thing and I believe that many people would have done the same as well. If you were in a position to save lives by sacrificing your own, would you? I think that the families of the people of Flight 93 should be proud of what they did and know that those people were true heros.

Everyone that helped that day in any small or big day is a true hero. That day did not knock us down but in fact made us stronger. Our light will always shine because we love our country, we love our people and we will defend until the end. We'll always remember....

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