Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Well today was a bit of a crazy day for me noticing the human nature that roams this Earth and the forgotten basic etiquette of people. Our lives have gotten so busy that a lot of us go through a million emails a day but the basic etiquette of the email is to answer them even if it's something short and sweet. Even if you don't have an answer for someone just say "I'll have to get back to you on that" and then follow up later but at least they know you have read it and are at least thinking about it. Most people are good about returning the emails but for some, it seems like a chore.
Driving is another area where people should be a little more thoughtful. Let people in when you can and try not to own the road. The road is shared by everyone. Also if you are a pedestrian and even when you have the right of way, be mindful of the cars. So many people take their time just strolling across the street, not thinking that they can get hit by a car. My father used to say "it's easier to move a hundred and twenty pound body than a two thousand pound car." That simply means that even if you have the right of way, get out of the way of the car or you could get hurt. Use your head so your body doesn't get hurt.
I go to the gym every day and it really cracks me up how people just sit on the machines like they have all day. Everyone knows that the average person will do about 3 reps per machine, and you can see them concentrating on that muscle group for that machine. But I couldn't believe tonight when I saw this guy sitting on the ab machine on his cell phone. I'm sorry but it's not a phone booth! Most of us don't even take our cell phones into the gym because they are too distracting when you're trying to concentrate on yourself and your body. I just don't get it. And for someone like me who has a certain pattern to my workouts, I need to keep my heart rate at a certain level in order to maximize my workout so that kind of stuff just slows me down. I've learned to just move to the next machine and come back to the one I couldn't get on.
Another thing that really got to me today was how our cell phones have become such a part of our lives that sometimes people take them for granted. I've been so busy that I don't have time during the day to take a call to sit and chat when I am with someone. Emailing to ask a question is the best way so that you can get to it when you can , if it's not something pertinent at that moment. This past weekend my phone fell under my seat and I was on my way to an event and I tried to get it out from under the seat but it was impossible as my seats are electric and have all kinds of wiring and things under there. I was pressured for time, so I just left the phone under my seat and went to the event. You know, I really didn't even miss my phone? In fact I didn't give too much thought to who might be trying to get ahold of me either because I knew there was nothing that was THAT important and when I finally got my cell, I was right. What I'm trying to say is that even if you're not busy, that doesn't mean the person you're trying to call isn't. Be thoughtful to the fact that they could be in the middle of something so don't get mad if they can't answer your call.
There's another thing I'd like to call Friendship etiquette. This refers to how you treat your friends and the common courtesy that goes along with that. If you're upset with your friend, you should tell them. Don't hold it in, don't just stop talking to them without telling them why and realize that because you are friends, you can tell them anything especially if you are upset with them. The mature attitude is one where you can talk to the person or even email them if you are not good at confrontation, just to let them know what's going on. It's not fair to be mad at someone and stay mad at them without letting them know why. My true and close friends know they can say anything to me and even if I won't like what they have to say, they know that I will listen to them and talk things out. It's kind of like when your parent is mad at you or has to discipline you. They love you no matter what but there will be times when they will be upset about something and you will know what it is. You resolve it and move forward. I'm so thankful for the friends that I have that feel that comfortable with me to say anything and know me well enough to know that I won't fly off the handle. I sit there and listen to what they have to say and have a discussion and move on.
It's interesting if you just really pay attention and take note throughout your day of how many people have forgotten the basic rule of being nice to other people. If every person did something unselfish every day, I bet we would find more people practicing the lost art of etiquette and basic kindness toward their fellow man...and woman.
Start today to do something positive for someone and watch how it is returned to you. If we all practice this daily, I think there will be hope yet! Here are two good quotes for today:

"Treat everyone with politeness, even those who are rude to you-not because they are nice, but because you are."-Authour Unknown

"The friendship that can cease has never been real"-Saint Jerome

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